摘要:盲人是我们中华大家庭中的一部分,由于生理上的缺陷,严重地限制了他们的活动空间,在生活、学习和工作中也因此有着诸多的不便,给他们身心的健康发展带来极其不利的影响,因此我们应尽力给予他们更多的关爱。 本文研究的问题就是盲人专用纸币识别器,如何确认纸币的面额,来帮助盲人分析纸币面额的大小。本文将通过介绍人民币的构造,盲人识别器的工作原理,材料选择等,来进深一层研究分析盲人专用纸币识别器怎样识别纸币的面额,以达到帮助盲人的纸币辨识上的困难。我在调查研究和设计盲人专用纸币识别器的各项工作中,同时也总结出盲人在需要识别纸币的时候应有仪器帮助他们!作为设计师,我们应该为盲人或更多的特殊人群做设计。
关键词: 纸币 识别器 盲人
Abstract:The blind man is the part of our big family . The physical defects limit their space severely. And they have a lot of inconveniences in the life, study and work . It will bring many disadvantageous effects to their development of health .So we should try our best to give them more love.
In this article, the problem is for the special banknote identifier how to help blind people to confirm the paper notes by value the size of the bill. This article will introduce the structure of the RMB, the working principle of the blind reader, material selection and so on. The research and analysis will help to study deep into blind people how to identify the notes by this machine. And it can help blind people to face the difficulties of identifying the paper money . I survey, research and design the notes reader for blind people in each work, also sums up that we should help them by this machine when the blind need to identify the money . As a designer, I should do design for blind or more special groups.
Key Words: Paper money,Recognition device,The blind