摘 要:伴随着工业化、城市化步伐的不断加快,人们的生活水平不断提高,越来越多的人不断涌入城市生活,城市中也开始由之前的平房到后来的高楼,再由后来的高楼到现在的别墅。这就给城市环境带来了巨大的压力。现在在城市中,随处都是高楼、广场,绿地面积远不如从前,更为重要的是,现在随着人们生活水平的提高,私家车也不断增加,这就造成了严重的交通堵塞,与此同时,给人们带来了生活上的不便的同时也造成环境的污染严重。面对这种情况,人们也开始提倡绿色环保,所以自然环保的理念也开始在人们活动的各个领域展开。住宅空间是与人们关系最为密切的空间,因此,更加受到人们的重视。人们在自己的居住空间内也开始加入自然环保的理念,让自己在家也能够感受到绿色环境。本文重点从自然绿色角度出发就住宅空间陈设,露台设计原则、内容等进行了详细的研究。
关键词:住宅空间 陈设 绿色 露台 环保
ABSTRACT:along with the pace of industrialization, the city continues to accelerate, people's living standard continues to improve, more and more people have poured into the city life, before the cottage to later buildings also began in the city, then later buildings now villa. This gave the city environment has brought tremendous pressure. Now in the city, everywhere is tall, square, green area far worse than before, more importantly, people now with the improvement of people's living standards, private cars are also increasing, which caused a serious traffic jam, at the same time, brought the inconvenience of life also cause environmental serious pollution. Faced with this situation, people also began to promote the green environmental protection, so the natural environmental protection idea also started in various fields of human activities. Residential space is with the people most closely related to the space, therefore, more attention has been paid to. People in their living room also began to join the natural environmental protection concept, let yourself feel green environment at home. This paper from the perspective of natural green residential display space, are studied in detail the terrace design principles, content.
Keywords: residential green space; display; terrace; environmental protection