摘 要:当今社会随着人们的经济收入逐渐增加,对物质生活的要求也和前几年相比发生了巨大的变化。人们对餐厅的定义已经远远超过了纯粹的饮食这个要求,餐厅的环境成为了人们选择一家餐厅的重要条件之一。西式、中式、日本料理、韩国料理等餐厅已经逐渐开始泛滥。目前人们更需要一种别具特色的餐饮空间来满足精神上的追求。在此条件下主题餐饮会所应运而生。要打造一个风格突出的主题餐饮会所,装饰风格必须突出,创新的思维也很重要,但又必须结合实际情况。本文将通过主题餐饮会所中风格的定位,餐饮会所的市场定位和光在主题会所中的运用这三方面来对主题餐饮会所的定位进行研究。希望通过本文的研究能够为今后餐饮会所的定位奠定基础。
关键词:主题餐饮会所 定位 风格 市场研究
ABSTRACT:In today's society with people's income increases, the material life requirements are also compared with before a few years great changes have taken place in. Definitions of a restaurant has gone far beyond the pure diet this request, the restaurant environment become the people choose one of the important conditions in a restaurant. Western, Chinese, Japanese, Korean cuisine restaurant has gradually started to flood. At present, people need a distinctive dining space to meet the pursuit of spirit. Under these conditions the theme restaurants clubs emerge as the times require. To create an outstanding style theme restaurant, decorative style must be outstanding, innovative thinking is also very important, but it should be combined with the actual situation. This paper will through the positioning style theme restaurant in, use market positioning and light dining club in theme clubs in these three aspects of the research theme restaurant. I hope that through this research to locate dining club for the future lay the foundation.
Keywords: theme restaurant style market positioning research