摘 要:本文主要写对自然设计的理解,自然设计的发展过程,餐饮空间设计的现状,餐饮空间设计的要点,和自然设计在餐饮空间中的表现手法,和在自己毕业设计中的体现。
关键词:自然设计 绿色 就餐环境
ABSTRACT:This article gives an introduction to the concept and development process of design with nature as well as the current situation and main points of restaurant designing. Based on the reflection in my own graduation project, this article analyzes various approaches of natural designing used in the restaurant designing.
First of all, the author analyzes the over-all environment of natural designing and summarizes the methods and requirements of design with nature. From different perspectives and different periods of time, a brief discussion of the development process of natural designing is given in this article.
Secondly, the author makes a simple analyze on the current situation of restaurant designing. From the aspects of foodservice industry and people's livelihood this article explains the importance of natural designing in the restaurant space.
Combined with my own graduation project, this article focuses on the key points of design with nature and analyzes the importance of natural designing in the restaurant space through practice.
Keywords:design with nature; virescence; dining environment