摘 要:现代商业展示艺术设计就是设计者通过对商业品牌的理解与定位,根据每种不同需求发挥想象力和创造力,设计出能够最大限度地吸引顾客,刺激消费行为的空间。因此,设计出具有品牌性特色的展品,在一定水平上达到传递商品信息的作用,以及商业展示的审美功能。同时,展示设计在商业范畴中必须具备一定的真实性,即所传达的信息必需准确。这也是现代商业展示设计中的关键性问题。强调商业展示设计的真实性的同时,也必须通过独特设计来激发人们的购买欲,并结合一定的广告等元素,使展示内容具有层次感,并能起到画龙点睛的作用。
关键词: 会展设计 商业空间 展示 艺
ABSTRACT:Modern commercial exhibition design is the designer through the understanding and positioning of the commercial brand, according to the different needs of each kind of imagination and creativity, design to maximize attract customers, stimulate consumption space. Therefore, design a brand features exhibits, to inform the role of commodity at a certain level, and the aesthetic function of commercial display. At the same time, display design must have some truth in the field of business, namely the message must be accurate. This is the modern commercial display key problems in design. Emphasizes the authenticity of commercial display design at the same time, also must pass the unique designed to stimulate people's desire to purchase, and some advertising and other elements, which display the content has the sense of hierarchy, and can play a role in the finishing touch.
Display design art is a mature commercial space environment is mainly expressed in human visual, auditory, both in the whole environment, every detail will be echoed in a part of the whole, there is close relation between the environment and people's consumption behavior. In other words, the environment clean, elegant, design style is consistent, will have a direct impact on the psychology of consumer behavior. Commercial display design is a link, associated with the environment therefore, specific design must be integrated from the overall design space for. According to the overall color of the environment, the tendency of architectural features, space utilization rate and different regional characteristics of the characteristics are considered. Therefore in the store display design, neon light plate, poster, advanced lighting and so on a series of aspects, need from the entire city overall planning, regional features and landscaping requirements, meet the above condition to design uniform requirements, through the system and rational planning and design, the ability to form have a style of one's own, polar polymer characteristics of the commercial atmosphere.
Keywords: exhibition design ; commercial space; show ; art