摘 要:在经济高速发展的今天,商品经济竞争已经愈演愈烈,专卖店已成为时尚生活的一种理念,专卖店是产品、形象的最直接展示,是视觉识别中的一个重要组成部分。而各具空间特色的店面设计构成了品牌各自的卖场风格,并从多个角度向消费者传达着品牌的个性。其中灯光照明环境对商场和消费者至关重要。
关键词:专卖店 照明设计 装饰 氛围
ABSTRACT:In today's rapid economic development, commodity economy competition intensifying, and stores has become a fashionable life concept, the store is the most direct display products, image display, is an important part of visual identification. And various stores design space features constitute the brand of their respective stores style, and to communicate to the consumer the brand from the Angle of multiple personality. The lighting environment on the market and consumers is very important.
In the modern commercial space illumination design besides satisfies its functionality illumination, even more pays great attention to the cosmetic illumination. Commercial stores in the lighting design pay more attention to the light source to the consumer's aesthetic and spiritual pursuit, the use of light and shadow art combination, through the contrast on the administrative levels feeling and stereo feeling, strengthen the rendering atmosphere, Simultaneously uses the lamps and lanterns different installment position, the different light shape angle and the different illumination spot, the use key local lighting prominent demonstration main body, transmits the explicit sales information,guide customers' attention and provide consumers with the environmental atmosphere with positive emotions.
Keywords:exclusive shop;Lighting design;decoration;Atmospheric Lighting