摘 要:现代社会中经济不断发展,仅靠单纯的产品不足以吸引消费者挑剔的目光,包装成为商品的附加价值,在提高商品的销售和价值上有着重要作用。而包装设计中,色彩占有重要地位,色彩应用的人性化、合理性直接导致色彩个性加强包装的视觉冲击力,很大程度上起着促销作用,大大提高其产品的市场竞争力。
关键词:色彩设计 色彩搭配 色彩识别 色彩营销
ABSTRACT:In the modern society economy development, only by pure product is not enough to attract the attention of customers, the packing as the added value of goods, to improve product sales and value plays an important role. Plays a crucial role in packaging design, color, color application of humanization, rationality as a direct result of color individuality strengthen the visual impact of packaging, largely plays a promotional role, greatly enhance the market competitiveness of its products.
Keywords: color design;color matching;color recognition;color marketing
一 绪论
二 包装色彩的起源
三 色彩在销售中有何作用
四 色彩在产品包装设计上有何趋势
五 结论