关键词:校史馆 灯光艺术 陈列物 营造氛围
ABSTRACT:With the arrival of the twenty-first century, the international community has attached great importance to cultural. In recent years, major colleges and universities around the country have gradually scale ranging from design and construction of a school history and cultural exhibition to fully show school of research and education capabilities and historical and cultural heritage. Although most of the domestic universities to establish a distinctive history museum, but these History Museum in the lighting art on show explore the small, any exhibition space inseparable from the lights. This paper attempts to light the artistic perspective as a starting point, concise exposition of the development of the art lighting; Analysis lighting display objects of art and history museum in the relationship, summed up the different angles of the lighting display to better reflect the substance; lights in the History Museum create artistic atmosphere in order to achieve a good atmosphere for the purpose of lighting art, to induce visitors unwittingly into another exhibition space, while giving them visual, spiritual beauty.
Keywords: History Museum;Lighting art;Display objects;Create atmosphere