关键词: 包豪斯学派 少即是多 极简主义 设计风格 功能与形式
ABSTRACT:Bauhaus design in the modern history of the development is indispensable and has significant influence and leadership. Design trends for the entire human race would have a negligible influence on its core idea of the most famous combination of art and technology, breaking the traditional, enhanced functions, perfect styling, attention to materials on the profound impact of product design, which is deeply influenced modern power in Japan, particularly in the field of design as the representative of minimalism.
In the world, especially in Japan after World War II technology and art and other aspects of common rise, there has been a large number of areas in technology and design has a designer guru status, and these designers, whether it is from the visual field or in the architectural design and interior areas, Bauhaus and the effects are obvious, mostly modeling simple but powerful known.
In this discussion the main reason to have such influence Bauhaus masterpiece discourse and interpretation, and a brief from design modeling, design color, design functions are assigned concentration of several major aspects of its analysis and exposition designed for use as a door comprehensive and targeted very strong discipline, and has a variety of environments and conditions on the constraints limiting case, the entire analysis process, not just in the field of three-dimensional architecture and interior decoration are discussed, graphic essential the whole history of the design Bauhaus lead is multifaceted. Art comes from life, design service life, function and form have been designed to keep the field of mutual assistance, mutual balance of two important elements, how to do subtraction form of beauty is not forced to do while ensuring functional integrity, keep the Language of less is is more.which is development throughout the minimalism and still is an important design style of the important reasons, and in the whole process can be described as Bauhaus influence is everywhere.
Keywords:Bauhaus;less is more;minimalist;design style;function and form