关键词:酒店大堂 陈设 酒店软装设计
ABSTRACT:Along with our country economy high speed development and the rapid development of hotel industry, people demand for public and private space environment art is increasingly intense, in the hotel or stay visitors from is no longer limited to a single Angle of aesthetic experience. People began to demand that the culture meet, and the hotel lobby is the hotel reception guests first space within the building, and make the guest first impression to the hotel. Hotel lobby is a place for guests with the check-in and check-out procedures is a major public space to guest room and hotel other traffic centre is the hub of the hotel. In today's world has entered the era of a multicultural coexistence, diversity is the most essential feature of contemporary societies. Diversified demand prompted hotel lobby design presents the diversified forms and methods, also makes the hotel soft outfit design style formed a kind of genre. Which display in the hotel lobby, soft outfit design culture taste and the most expressive and appeal. Display design create a unique atmosphere will directly affect the image of the hotel and its function of itself. So a growing number of display art style arises at the historic moment, resulting in display design field in good situation of the schools of thought contend, promoted the rapid development of decoration industry.
Key words: the hotel lobby;Display;The hotel soft outfit design