译文(字数 5207):
对于当今企业来说,创造力是一种非常有价值的资源,如果想要在发展空间狭隘的世界市场中运转的话,这一资源必不可少。这一现象使得合作的焦点从财力资源转到了智力资源。雇员已经从一种简单的人力资源发展到一种需要培养、保护和发展的资产。这一转变来自于一些带头企业的经历 “维持一个有利于使员工幸福和发展的工作环境可以确保他们的满意度”(伊万斯和林赛,1999)。这一变化在从个人化管理到人力资源管理的推进过程中也有折射。但是现今的人力资源管理对雇员的满意度和忠诚度又有什么影响呢?
外文原文(字符数 16056):
外文出处:Hyo Sun Jung, Young Namkung, Hye Hyun Yoon.The effects of employees’ business ethical value on person–organization fit and turnover intent in the foodservice industry Original Research Article [M].International Journal of Hospitality Management, Volume 29, Issue 3, September 2010, Pages 538-546.
The world market is becoming an increasingly diYcult place in which to operate for today’ s businesses, making creativity a valuable virtue. This has caused the corporate focus to shift from nancial resources to intellectual resources. The employees have evolved from a resource to be exploited to an asset that needs to be nourished, guarded and developed. This is in line with experiences from leading companies that maintain a work environment conducive to the well-being and growth of all employees and they measure employee satisfaction’’ (Evans & Lindsay, 1999). The change is also reflected in the move from personnel administration management to human resource management (HRM) (Cornelius, 1999). But does HRM inits present form have an evect on employee satisfaction and loyalty?
The aim of this paper is rest to construct a structural model that describes the causal linkage between the subsystems of HRM, employee satisfaction and loyalty as well as corporate performance based on theoretical considerations.………………