译文(字数 3255)
在英美法系刑法中,作为一种制定法上的犯罪,侵占罪是指行为人合法占有他人财物后实行欺诈性移转的行为。在现代英美制定法中,侵占罪并非均作为独立的犯罪加以规定。如英国《1968年盗窃罪法》将侵占罪纳入经整合后的盗窃罪中加以规定。香港《盗窃罪条例》也采用了这种做法。在加拿大刑法中,作为盗窃罪的类型予以规定的受托律师盗窃(第331条)及侵占保管中的金钱(第332条)实际上具有侵占罪的特点。不过,根据该法第3 36条的规定,作为他人的托管人对某物使用或收益,或者为公共或慈善目的,意图欺诈或违背委托侵占未经委托人允许使用的物品及其部分的,构成违反信托罪。这里的“违反信托罪”实质上就是侵占罪。印度、新加坡及马来西亚刑法则根据侵占行为是否违背信托或信任,将侵占罪划分为侵占财产罪和违反信托罪。其中,任何人不诚实地盗用任何动产或将任何动产转为
外文原文(字符数 15825)
A Comparison of the Constitutive Requirements of the Crime of Embezzlement in Anglo—American Law System
The crime of embezzlement is not all stipulated as an independent offense in the criminal laws of Anglo—American law system.The com parison of the constitutive requirements of the crime of embezzlement stipulated as an independent crime is conducive to the theoretical research of the crime of misappropriation in our country.
keywords :Anglo—American law system;Crime of swindling;Constitutive requirements
In Anglo American criminal law, as a kind of crime, the crime of embezzlement refers to the illegal possession of other people's property.Transfer behavior. In the modern Anglo American law, the crime of embezzlement is not defined as an independent crime. Such as the United Kingdom in 1968, the law of the crime of theft into the integration of the provisions of the crime of theft. Hongkong theft Ordinance has also adopted this approach. In Canadian criminal law, as the type of theft to be prescribed by the law of the entrusted lawyer theft(331st) and embezzlement of money (332nd) in fact, the characteristics of the crime of embezzlement. However, according to the provisions of article 336 of the law set, as trustee of others to use of sth or income, or for the public or charitable purposes, intentions fraud or violate the principal occupation is not the client allows the use of goods and constitute breach of trust crime. The breach of trust in this crime is essentially the crime of embezzlement. India, SingaporeAnd the Malaysia criminal law is based on whether the occupation is contrary to trust or trust, the occupation of the crime of embezzlement and breach of trust. The, any dishonest misappropriation of any real estate or real property transfer for their own use of any, constitute the crime of embezzlement; any agent at any given property or entrusted to give property any dominion, and dishonest will the property theft or turn for oneself with, or in violation of the provisions of this type of trust of