译文(字数 3028):
历史上,自治一直被视为宽泛而肤浅的治理机构。本文提出两种类型的公司内部自治(ICVs),即企业规划自治和结构自治。还将分析两种自治对企业内部风险管控的影响。关于自治及内部风险管控的关系,除了企业投资数亿美元外,历史上相关学术研究甚少。在这项研究中,我从美国中西部十多家公司收集了38 份不同发展阶段中的企业和公司层级的ICVs原始数据。从数据分析中发现创业初期公司规划自治与风险管控之间存在负相关关系。然而,对于结构自治,关系更为复杂,企业发展的不同阶段对应的关系也会有所不同。现有公司如何成功的开创新业务?关于这个问题的答案众说纷纭,也成为了学术争论的焦点.就总公司而言,自治的问题应摆在公司首位。本项研究提供了关于自治对企业创业的积极作用的实证,也是迄今为止的主流概念。公司自治理念并非在公司产生之初就确立了,而是经过了一段漫长的历史时期。伴随着私法自治原则在公司法中的贯彻,我们可以将公司自治的发展历程划分为三个阶段:前公司时期、特许设立时期和准则主义时期
外文原文(字符数 9943):
外文出处:Journal of Small Bussiness Management
Historically, autonomy has been treated as a broad one-dimensional construct. This paper proposes that there are two major types of autonomy for internal corporate ventures (ICVs)—planning autonomy and structural autonomy—and examines their respective impact on performance. Little prior knowledge exists regarding the autonomy–performance relationship for ICVs despite the billions of dollars of corporate investment in ICVs. In this study, I collect primary data on 38 ICVs at different stages of development from both venture-level and corporate-level managers from over a dozen companies in the U.S. Midwest. I find that a negative relationship exists for planning autonomy regardless of venture stage. However, for venture structural autonomy, a more complex relationship was discovered, which ranged from positive to negative to curvilinear based on the venture’s stage of development.