摘要:随着信息时代的到来,数字电视和付费电视的逐步普及,显性广告的命运岌岌可危,而影视广告是广告主和投放媒体都不可割舍的收益方式。因此, 隐性影视广告, 也就是影视植入式广告, 逐渐成为影视制作和广告投放实现双赢的必然,植入式广告将成为未来影视广告的主要发展方向。电影植入式广告需要处理好制片方、广告商和消费者的关系,只有这样广告的植入才会有意想不到的效果。那么,广告的植入技巧就显得十分重要,它直接决定了广告的植入效果和电影的质量。提高广告的植入技巧,使之与电影情节更好的融合,才能做到真正的广告与电影的双赢。简析电影植入式广告的技巧,可以更好地去解读电影中广告的效果。
ABSTRACT:With the coming of the information age,the digital television and pay-TV are increasingly popular thus the fate of the overt advertising is at stake. Television advertising is an indivisible approach of income for both advertisers and the media. Therefore the invisible television advertising, that is, television product implantation has become an inevitable trend for film and television production and advertising to achieve a win-win situation, and it will be the main development direction of future film and television advertising. The film product implantation needs to deal with the relationship among producers, advertisers and consumers. Only by this way can advertisement implantation have unexpected results. Then, the technique of advertising implantation is very important, which decides the quality of film and the effects of implantation directly. Improve the techniques of advertising implantation and make it more harmonious with the story, so we can achieve the true advertising and film a win-win situation. Brief Analysis of the technique of advertising implantation can be better to interpret the effects of advertising in the film.
Keywords: The film; Implanted marketing; Advertising