摘要: 彝族彝文叙事诗《西行取经记》是彝文文献长诗中十分具有影响力的民间文学作品之一,以手抄本的形式存在于毕摩手中,是毕摩在彝族婚娶、节庆、及火塘边“公开故事”的经籍。作品取自汉族“西游记”的故事,与明朝汉文小说《西游记》有一定的相似性,但也存在着一定的差异性。彝文版的“西游记”主要是以宣扬孝敬文化和劝人行善为主要内容,在性质上,从汉族文人作品变成了彝族毕摩宗教经籍;在文学体裁上,从汉文小说变成了彝文叙事诗;在流传方式上,从汉文文本流传变成了彝文文本和彝族口头文本并存流传;在内容上,从西天取佛经变成了滇西彝文指路经,情节内容有较大的删节和改变。
ABSTRACT:The Yi nationality’s West for Buddhist Scriptures is one of the most influential folk literatures in the Yi Nationalities, which is remained as a manuscript in the hand of Bimo and recognized as classic works by using in their wedding, festival and the story on everybody’s lips at fire. The work dates from Journey to the West of Han nationality in Ming Dynasty, which has some similarities and differences between them. The content of the work written in Yi language mainly aims at advocating filial piety and advising people to do goodness. In nature, it is a religious classic work changing from scholar work of Han nationality. In the aspect of literature genre, it is a kanbun novel turning into a narrative poem in Yi language. In the aspect of spreading way, it becomes Yi version co-existing with Yi verbal version from Han version. In the aspect of content, it transforms Buddhist scripture into Yi script aiming at guiding road with largely abbreviation and change.
Keywords: The narrative poem of Yi Nationalities; The West for Buddhist Scriptures ; Pilgrimage to the West; Compare