Abstract:Professional adaptabilities are the theries of specific abilities of a employee to solve the main practical problems derived from the process of the career development, namely, the ability of integrating into corporate, the ability of communicating with job-related persons, the ability of learning for professional advances, the ability of regulating one’s emotions, and the ability of transforming one’s careers.The professional adaptabilities are the very important psychological Indices which reflect one’s career development situations under the conditions of hard times and fierce competitions.In view of the popular used concept of career adaptabilities , are inappropriate for employees from Chinese enterprises, and the research in the field, is rather weak and unsystematic. this thesis,68 participants were recruited in a structured interview or an open questionnaire survey, to answer the following two questions, “what are the main problems faced in the employee’ career development?”, and “what abilities do they need to solve these problems?” All the original statements of the participants were coded into categories, and then all the categories were abstracted and generalized into the themes, finally it is constructed into five dimensions of professional adaptabilities, then develop a measuring instrument of professional adaptabilities and construct validity of the scale were successively tested.
Keywords: professional abilities, career development, structure model of professional abilities