摘 要:能成为特级教师的应该都有自己独树一帜的地方,程红兵的独特之处就在于他的个性化教育理念——人格教育和以人为本。人格教育是语文素质教育的核心问题,所谓人格教育就是学生完满人格的培养和独特个性的养成。而以人为本又是人格教育的精髓,所谓以人为本就在于充分发挥学生的主体意识,让学生做学习的主人。所以,本文着重分析了程红兵的人格教育以及以人为本的教育理念。
Abstract: To become a super class teachers should have become an independent school places ,unique Cheng Hongbing lies in his personal philosophy of Education—the personality education and humanist.Moral education is the core problem of Chinese quality education , The cultivation of the personality education is students' perfect personality and unique personality. And people oriented is the essence of personality education,the so-called people-oriented is to give full play to students' subject consciousness, so that students do the masters of learning. Therefore, this paper focuses on the analysis of Cheng Hongbing's personality education, people-oriented philosophy of education.
Key words: Cheng Hongbing;Personality education;People-oriented