摘 要:名著是经过人文与岁月的洗礼而流传下来的,之所以能够在卷帙浩瀚中存留是因其浓厚的思想底蕴和精湛的艺术特色。名著对读者提升审美情趣、提高文化底蕴等起着一定的教育作用。但有些名著又不免过于晦涩难读难于理解,由此衍生的中外文学名著的各类改写读物,比比皆是。本文将具体阐述名著阅读的意义和简本改编本的利弊,由此得出我们对名著改编改写应持有客观的态度。
Abstract: Masterpiece is through the baptism of the humanities and the years, are able to remain in vast books because of strong ideological background and exquisite artistic features. Masterpieces have an effect of eduction to enhance aesthetics and cultural.There are so many rewrite books of Chinese and foreign literary classics because some classics are so difficult to read and to understand.The meanings of masterpieces reading and pros and cons of masterpieces rewrited are put forward,drawing objective attitude of famous novel rewrite.
Key words: Masterpieces; adaptations; pros and cons