摘 要:《动物凶猛》中主人公的人性异化是源于自身并且受客观环境影响而成的。身为高干子弟自身的优越感与从小接受的战争动员所带来的暴力情结的特殊心理,在受到青春期感情冲动的诱导下,主人公完成彻底的人性异化。
Abstract: Alienation of the hero in ferocious animal is due to the reason of himself and the influence of the objective environment. Influenced by the juniors of high-ranking officals’s superiority ,the violence complex which comes from the mobilization he received and the adolescence’s emotional impulse, the hero complete the alienation of human nature.
Key words: Wang shuo; ferocious animal; alienation of human nature