摘 要:史铁生作品所以在文坛拥有如此之高的评价,其一就是因为他选举了许多意义丰富且可以代表他思想的典型意象,本文意在通过分析史铁生代表作品中的典型意象,阐释其审美意蕴,明晓史铁生对生命意义的探索和诘问的心路历程,进而参透出史铁生的人生观和价值观。
Abstract: Sheng’ Works has such a high rating in the literary world, one that is a lot of sense because of his election to represent his ideas rich and typical imagery. This article is intended his representative works by analyzing the typical imagery, explaining its aesthetic implication .Knowing Sheng’ exploration to the meaning of life and mentality of questioning is helpful for penetrating his life and values.
Key words: Sheng; imagery; aesthetic implication