摘 要:在中华五千年文化绵延不断的流传过程中,汉字一直在其中担当着无比重要的作用。中国的汉字作为一种表意文字,不仅记载了古人造字的方法、心理,而且蕴含着古代中国更深层次的文化内涵,通过对古汉字的研究,我们可以领略到中国传统文化的魅力,比如食文化、酒文化、婚姻文化等。本文通过对有关婚姻现象的汉字的细微探究,如“婚”、“反”、“弃”、“休”等,揭示剖析中国婚姻文化事象,系统说明了远古中国中抢婚、对偶婚、离婚等婚姻制度,从而追本溯源了解现当代婚姻现象产生和发展的根源。
关键词 汉字,婚姻,血缘,文化
ABSTRACT:The up and down five thousand years of culture is the only one culture and popular in the world. And, in the process of the spread of Chinese characters plays a very important role. Chinese characters as an ideogram, not only recorded the ancients word-formation methods, psychological, and deep cultural connotation contained in ancient China. Through the study of ancient Chinese characters, we can enjoy the charm of Chinese traditional culture, such as culture and wine culture, marriage culture, etc. This article through to the marriage of subtle explore Chinese characters, explores the Chinese marriage cultural phenomenon, thus tracing its understanding of modern and contemporary marriage phenomenon is the root of the emergence and development.
Key words:Chinese characters,Marriage,Blood relationship,Culture