摘 要:伶人一直是封建社会中不可缺少的一个群体,即使他们的社会地位低下,不被其他群体所尊重,但他们的存在却给其他群体增添了不少的娱乐色彩。《红楼梦》中也有着一个伶人群体,即十二官和蒋玉菡,他们在《红楼梦》的整体人物形象中处于一个特殊的地位,或许可以说是一个尴尬的存在,这一类人即便是封建社会政权的产物,却有着连平民百姓都不如的地位。从总体上来看,目前对伶人这一群体的研究甚少,文章着重对《红楼梦》中几个主要的人物进行分析,并将其与其他人物作对比,从其生存状况的考察入手,进而体会其与大观园整体悲剧的相连接点,感受优伶的命运。
关键词: 伶人,生存状况,对比分析,悲剧
ABSTRACT:Playactor has always been one of the indispensable in the feudal society, even if their low social status, not respect by other groups, but their presence adds a lot of entertainment color to other groups. In Hongloumeng has a mummer group, that is, twelve officers and Jiang Yuhan, their overall characters in Hongloumeng has a special position, may say is the existence of an awkward, this kind of people even if is the product of the feudal regime, have even less of a civilian population. As a whole, at present the mummer this group of little research, this paper analyzes several main characters in Hongloumeng, as compared with the other characters, from the investigation of their living conditions, and experience with the grand view garden phase connection point for the whole tragedy, the fate of the actor.
Key words:Mummer, Living conditions, Comparative analysis, Tragedy