Abstract: "Home" and "thunderstorm" creation in China history of the transformation, the writers to show the female character lets us to know the distinct characteristics during the period of transition. Based on the character comparison and classification method to analyze the female roles, and it can be divided into three categories: one is the shackles of the feudal moral tradition women; Secondly, the resistance was not completely women; Three is awakening of women in feudal society. These three kinds of female images while their identity, a different, but in the end is a tragic fate. The tragedy of the women makes us see all kinds of women's living state and feudalism feudal society of women's oppression.
Key words: Women; Tragic fate;Awakening; Comparison; Classification;
在我国传统的思想中,女性的地位是远远低于男性的,在文学作品里和现实生活中, 女性基本上都是处于男人附庸的地位。在人们传统的伦理道德思想中,很多女性悲剧的一生就是为了各种原因去妥协去牺牲,来维护所谓的男权的统治和社会的纲常伦理,这对于女性来讲是极度不公平的。作家笔下的女性有的与封建压迫妥协,选择继续被封建礼教束缚,最终难逃悲惨命运;有的选择反抗,但是觉醒地不够彻底,依旧难逃悲剧的命运,成为了封建礼教的牺牲品;有的则在新思想的感染下勇敢地去追求自我价值,自我解放,可是根深蒂固的封建礼教思想仍就压抑着人性,女性仍然得不到应有的社会地位和尊重。《家》和《雷雨》像长篇史诗一样记录下那个年代女性的性格和行为,如赞歌般鼓励我们去追求自我价值的实现和期待已久的平等与尊严。