摘 要:《繁星》《春水》,用作者冰心自己的话来说,是将一些“零碎的思想”收集到一个诗集里,是冰心生活、思想、感情的自然酿造。虽然,冰心的《繁星》《春水》是仿照《飞鸟集》写成的,但却与泰戈尔的诗歌有着明显的不同,这些不同便构成了冰心小诗的与众不同的亮点,也对现代新诗的发展产生了深远的影响。
Abstract: By Bing Xin's own words, <Stars> and < Spring -Water > are "scattered thoughts" which are written in a collection of poems. And they naturally brew from Bing Xin’s own life, feelings and thoughts. <Stars>,< Spring -Water > of Bing xin are imitation of <Stray Birds> ,while it is significantly different with Tagore's poems, and these different things that they constitute the Bing Xin’s verses distinctive bright spot, but also have the far-reaching significance in the literary studies.
Keywords: <Stars>; <Spring -Water>; <Stray Birds>; Compare