摘 要:余华是当代先锋文学的代表作家,他的小说语言平实,极具个性,对各种叙事技巧更是运用娴熟,其叙事手法的变幻莫测给读者留下了深刻的印象。本文以叙事学理论为视角审视余华的长篇小说《在细雨中呼喊》,解读其叙事手法和叙事技巧,并在此基础上探讨其中隐含的深层目的和思想。
Abstract:Yu hua is the representative writer of contemporary vanguard literature, his novel language level, personality, for a variety of narrative skill is adept, the vagaries of narrative left a deep impression on the readers. Based on the theory of narrative Angle of view for yu hua's novel "the Shouting in the drizzle" read the narrative and narrative skills, and on the basis of this paper mainly discusses the hidden deep purpose and thought.
Key words:Yu hua; Vanguard literature; Narrative; "the Shouting in the drizzle"