摘 要:网络文学日益繁盛的今天,网络言情小说的快速发展,已逐渐地引起了人们的注意。与传统言情小说相比,网络言情小说有着自己的特点。我主要从网络言情小说的三个方面:情节简单化和审美娱乐化、人物塑造单一化和心理化、叙事空间狭窄化和情感寄托薄弱化来进行探索,在与传统言情小说的比较中,分析和阐述网络言情小说特点,从而使人们对网络言情小说有更进一步的认识和了解。
Abstract: Today, with the booming of internet literature, the love story of the internet is also developing rapidly, which has drawn peoples eyes. Compared with the traditional texts of the love story, the love story of the internet has its own characteristics. In comparision with the traditional ones, analyses it from three aspects of the simple plot and the entertainment of aesthetic, single characterization and psychology, narrative space narrow and the weak emotional sustenance. It helps us have a further understanding of it.
Key words: the love story of the internet ;the traditional texts of the love story ;the simple plot;entertainment;characterization;narrative space;emotional sustenance