关键字: 《聊斋志异》; 蒲松龄; 女性观; 矛盾性
Abstract “Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio”works by PuSongLing which exert his utmost effort. PuSongLing changes the way of depicting the image of femal on the traditional literary circle,creats a lot of kinds of femal image in distinct and maverick and then shows his contradictory femal view.This article divides into three major parts,the first one obtains from the text,careful summing up the femal personality types in this book;the second one analyzes the factors of his contradictory femal view from various angles;and the last one concretely describe PuSongLing’s contradictory femal view.
keyword:Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio; PuSongLing; Femal View; Contradiction