[摘要] 赛珍珠笔下的王龙形象是多变的,农民时期的王龙,是贫穷而淳朴、善良、厚道并有点愚昧的中国农民形象;地主时期的王龙,则具有两面性,一方面是一个富有而奢侈享乐的形象,另一方面仍未脱离农民的本色。赛珍珠塑造的王龙这一形象在国际国内都有着重要的影响与意义。
[关键词] 农民王龙;地主王龙;国内外影响;形象意义
[Abstract] Under the written of Pearl Wanglong’s figure is very changeable, farmer period Wang, Pearl created him as a poor but has the simple peasant, kind-hearted, honest and ignorance of Chinese farmers figure; the period of Wang, just like every coin has two sides,one is a rich and luxury enjoyment of the image, the other is that he keeps peasant figure. his figure also brings important influence and significance in the world.
[Key words] Peasant Wanglong; Landlord Wanglong; Iinfluence at home and abroad; Image significance