[摘要]:张爱玲的文学作品中,其中有两篇最使我印象深刻。她的《红玫瑰与白玫瑰》折射出她的爱情观, 她对真爱向往的同时, 也表现了对现实生活的不安与无奈, 作品中人物灵魂深处弥漫着特有的孤独与荒凉。而《色戒》这篇小说充分体现了作家的世界观、人生观,以及爱情观。“无情”是张爱玲对世界的总的看法;但是她又强调无情的背景下人物些许的情感体现。但是她的爱情观——人间无爱还是源于她的生活她的经历,她的作品与生活密不可分。
[关键词]: 张爱玲,《红玫瑰与白玫瑰》,《色戒》,爱情观
[Abstract] Eileen Chang's literary works, which are the two most impressed me. Her" red rose and white rose" reflects her view of love, for love for her at the same time, also showed on the real life of anxiety and frustration, the characters soul filled with unique lonely and desolate. And" lust" this novel embodies the author's world outlook, outlook on life, as well as the concept of love. " Heartless" is Eileen Chang's opinion of the world total; but she also emphasizes the ruthless background characters some emotions. But her love view -- no love in the world is due to her life to her experience, her work and life are inseparable.
[Key words] Eileen Chang “ red rose and white rose” “ color ring” Love view