[摘要]: 李贽是我国16世纪后期封建社会杰出的进步思想家。其构建的“自然之为美”的文学思想体系,是对“童心说”的美学认定,进一步发展以“真”为核心,以“自然”为美的“真美”审美观。具体表现有自然之真美、人情之真美、艺术之真美、生命之真美。李贽“真”的美学思想不仅对当时社会有着冲击性的影响,而且对当今社会也有着重要的启示。
[Abstract]: Li zhi was 16 century in the late feudal society outstanding progressive thinker. The construction of "natural beauty" literary thought system, is to "shin said" aesthetic that, the further development to the "real" as the core, with "nature" as the beautiful "beautiful" aesthetic view. The specific performance of the natural beauty, and customs is really beautiful, art is beautiful, life is beautiful. Li Zhi "true" aesthetic ideology not only at that time to the society has the effect of impact, and on the society also has the important enlightenment.
[Key word]: li zhi; Beautiful ;The nature; Human, Art; The life
晚明社会是我国封建制度日趋没落,资本主义萌芽开始出现的时代。李贽生活在崇尚自由平等的社会中,身感压抑,在继承王学心学思想和各种实学思想基础上,他敢于离经叛道,提倡文学表现具有真实性的人情世俗的现实,并把这种文学提高到理论的高度给予肯定,这个肯定就是“童心”。“童心”说是李贽文艺美学思想的核心,由于在“童心”说 的美学认可基础上,李贽建构起“以‘真’为美”的文艺思想体系,将矛头直指虚伪的假道学。李贽明确地以自然为美,肯定人的感官性情,反对有意为之的矫情伪性,肯定人的“私情私欲”,崇尚“俗”的审美趣味。李贽在文艺思想上继承了我国古代优秀的文艺传统,进一步发展了以“真”为核心,由“真”体现出“美”的审美观。