[摘要] 毕飞宇被誉为“写女性心理最好的男作家”,在他的《青衣》、《玉米》、《哺乳期的女人》、《推拿》等小说中,成功地塑造了一系列女性形象,传达出他对女性个体生存和女性命运的人文关怀。本文把其作品中的女性形象大致分为两类,一类是传统文化下的理想母性形象,一类是被权力异化的追求者形象。然后对这两类女性人物的结局极其原因进行分析,并在其悲剧结局中理解作品中的宿命意识。进而表现出毕飞宇在对女性内心细腻描写的同时,流露出对中国女性命运进行整体性深度思考的大悲大悯的人文情怀。
[关键词] 毕飞宇; 女性形象; 人文情怀
[Abstract] Bi feiyu is known as "write the best female psychology male writers", in his "tsing yi", "the corn", "lactation women", "massage" and so on the novel, successfully portrayed a series of female images conveys his individual survival for women and the destiny of women humanistic care. In this paper the works to the female images can be divided into two kinds, one kind is the traditional culture of the ideal maternal image, one kind is be power alienation of pursuers image.Then on to the two types of female characters end very reason is analyzed, and its tragic outcome in the works of understanding fate consciousness. And then show to women books in inner delicate description at the same time, reveal on Chinese women destiny on the depth of the great big thinking integrity of Benjamin humanistic feelings.
[Key words] Bi feiyu female image Humanities