[摘要] 《儿子与情人》是劳伦斯的第一部长篇小说。本文主要结合英国当时的时代背景,分析父子两个男性形象在文中与几个女性之间发生的情感冲突,悲剧性命运造成的性格的扭曲,人格异化的原因以及如何完成人性的自我完善。小说想要追求的是两性关系的和谐和纯洁的自然社会,劳伦斯认为精神与肉体的完美结合才是现代文明社会的正确出路。
[关键词]男性形象; 悲剧性命运; 畸形社会; 社会批判
[Abstract] Sons and Lovers is Lawrence's first novel. This paper, combined with British social background at that time , anlysed the cause of emotional conflict among the father, the son and several women, as well as the distortions of personality that caused by the tragic destiny ,reasons for personal alienation and how to complete the self-perfection of human nature. The Novel is in pursuit of the harmony of sextual relations and the pure natural community. In Lawrence’s opinion ,the perfect combination of spirit and body is the right way out of modern civilized society. [Key words] Male image; tragic fate; the malformation society; social criticism