[摘要] 王琦瑶是王安忆《长恨歌》小说中不落的繁华梦,也是关锦鹏《长恨歌》电影中漂泊孤独的女性代言人。小说和电影作为不同的艺术表现形式,在塑造人物形象上有不同的方法。本文立足于王琦瑶这一形象,从小说和电影的情节、人物塑造方法、媒介特征、创作者的审美取向这四个方面入手,探究小说和电影在塑造其形象上的不同之处,从而展现小说和电影不同的审美风格和审美规律。
[关键词] 王安忆;王琦瑶;长恨歌;形象塑造;小说;电影
[Abstract] Wang Qiyao is not down in Wang Anyi's novel "Everlasting Regret" dreams, wandering lonely female spokesperson in Stanley Kwan's "Everlasting Regret" movie. Novels and films as different forms of artistic expression, in the shape of the characters have a different approach. This article is based on the image of Wang Qiyao, from the novel and the film's plot, characterization, media characteristics, the highest of aesthetic orientation of these four aspects, to explore the difference between the novels and films in the shape of its image, which demonstrated the novel and the film's aesthetic style and aesthetic rules.
[Key words] Wang Anyi; Wang Qiyao; Everlasting Regret; Image; novel; film