[摘要]影片《大红灯笼高高挂》是张艺谋导演根据苏童《妻妾成群》改编而成,无论在小说还是电影中,都充满着陈家大院的恐怖气氛,极力渲染死亡气息,两位艺术家均以沉重的笔调叙述了一个封建大院里的恩恩怨怨、明争暗斗,表达了对封建制度的严厉批判与剖析。但张艺谋作为读者中的一员,他在自己导演片中加入了自己对原著的理解,也使影片异于原著甚多。因此颂莲在文学家苏童笔下和在艺术家张艺谋电影中, 所突出的重点、表达言说的内涵与高度都有着较大的差别。
[关键词] 小说; 电影; 差异; 《妻妾成群》 ;《大红灯笼高高挂》 ;颂莲
[Abstract]the movie" raise the red lantern" is directed by Zhang Yimou according to Su Tong" harem" adaptation, both in novel or film, filled with the Chen family compound in the atmosphere, greatly exaggerated the death breath, two artists are heavy tone describes a feudal courtyard gratitude and grudges, fight both with open and secret means, the expression of the feudal system of severe criticism and analysis. But Zhang Yimou as a reader in one, he was director of his own films added their own understanding of the original, the film is different from the original number. So the Song Lian in the literature under the pen of Su Tong and artist Zhang Yimou in the movie, the outstanding key, the content and the level of expression of speech have great differences.
[Key words] " wives and concubines";" raise the red lantern" Ode to the feudal system; lotus