[摘要] 李龙云的戏剧创作具有很大的成就,其作品大多为“京味”戏剧的代表作,对研究京味戏剧很有帮助。本文就李龙云作品《小井胡同》中的京味审美文化展开研究,通过研究《小井胡同》固有的特色故事情境、“京味儿”中的井民形象、地方性的民风谚俗、浓郁的京味语言特色以及对前人“京味儿”文学创作的继承与发展,将《小井胡同》的“京味”审美价值给予展现。
[关键词] 李龙云 《小井胡同》 京味 审美
[Abstract] Li Longyun drama with a lot of achievements, most of their works as "Beijing flavour" by representatives of drama, is very helpful to study Beijing flavour of drama. This Li Longyun Beijing flavour of aesthetic culture in the work of the xiaojinghutong study by studying the xiaojinghutong inherent in the feature story, "Beijing flavour" images of people and local customs in Beijing flavour of proverbs, rich language features, as well as on the predecessor "Beijing flavour" inheritance and development of literary creation, the xiaojinghutong of "Beijing flavour" to show the aesthetic values.
[Key words] Li Longyun Beijing flavour XiaoJingHuTong Aesthetics