[摘要] 穆时英作为新感觉派代表之一,对于中国现代城市文学的开创和发展有着举足轻重的作用。作为前卫型作家,他细致打量描摹着都市男女和光怪陆离的罪恶生活,描写上海地狱与天堂的两级分化,表现都市男女无爱的两性生活,对都市人性的进行深度镂刻,真正做到了忠实的都市记录者。
[关键词] 穆时英 ;都市抒写 ;罪恶生活
[Summary] MuShiYing as a new sense of one of the representative, for modern Chinese city literature to set and development has a pivotal role. As avantgarde writer, he looked to depict the meticulous with urban men and women and dazzling evil life, describes Shanghai hell and heaven two polarized, performance urban men and women without love sexual life, human nature of urban in-depth carve and truly the faithful city the record.
[Keyword] MuShiYing ; Urban express ; Evil life