[摘要] 莫言的长篇小说《檀香刑》被人们称之为奇书。小说细描了典型的民间生活情态和传奇式的人物事件,并且将刑罚变成狂欢式的文化大餐。①《檀香刑》着力刻画了一场浩大的行刑场面,那确实是令人荡气回肠的,而又充满血腥的浩大气势。那种残酷中的悲剧力量尤其叫人战栗。很少人能够将悲剧写得这么让人触目惊心,尤其是那一个个让人不能忘记的悲剧人物。每一个人物形象背后,都有着弥漫在字里行间滴血的言辞。本文着重分析檀香刑中的人物形象,挖掘背后的发人深省的内涵和意义。
[关键词] 檀香刑;人物;悲剧;形象
[Abstract] Mo yan's novel "the sandalwood tanxiangxin called as wonderful book. Novel traced the typical fine folk life modality and legendary characters of the event, and will become the type of carnival punishment cultural feast. (1) the sandalwood punishment "focus on a vast portrays the execution scene, that there was a real them, and bloody huge momentum. That kind of cruel of tragedies that power especially trembling. Very few people can will write so tragic startling, especially one that let a person can't forget the tragic character. Each figure behind his image, all has the diffuse in reading between the lines, the words of the drop of blood. This paper analyzes the characters sandalwood punishment, mining the thought-provoking behind the connotation and significance.
[Keywords] sandalwood punishment; Characters; Tragedy; image