摘要: 白先勇的小说以刻画不同的女性形象著称。他非常关注女性的命运及女性角色的塑造,尤其是表现在历史场合中女性心灵深处的痛楚和伤感。本文通过白先勇表现女性悲剧命运的多部作品来分析其笔下不同类型女性悲剧命运的表现,探讨她们悲剧命运的根源,并且通过这些女性不幸的的恋爱、婚姻和家庭悲剧的外表谈谈自己受到的启示,从而使我们更深刻的理解白先勇的小说作品的思想价值以及他对女性命运的思考。
关键词: 白先勇; 女性形象;悲剧命运;悲剧表现
Abstract: Bai xianyong’ novels are famous for portraying different kinds of female images. He pays close attention to female fate and the portrayal of female characters, especially the pain and sadness of them. This text analyses their tragic expression by lots of his works and explores the root causes of their tragic fate. Besides, we will talk about what we have learned through the surface of their misfortune in love、marriage and family, then we can know well about the ideological value of Bai xianyong’ novels and his thinking on female fate.
Key words: Bai xianyong; female images; female issues; tragic fate; tragic expression