[摘要] 五彩斑斓的颜色装点了我们的世界,使之流光溢彩,满足了我们的视觉要求,从而语言中就出现了五颜六色的词,即颜色词。而汉语作为世界历史上最古老的语言,有着极为壮观的颜色词大军,中华民族几千年的文化又使汉语的颜色词具有了深厚的文化底蕴。汉语颜色词记载着汉民族悠久的历史文化精神,它从出现到发展至今天,从表示单一的颜色词语到包含了丰富的文化含义。通过颜色词,我们可以了解到其承载的文化意义、蕴含的民族文化心理以及深厚的感情色彩。本文对古代汉语中常用的红、黄、白、黑、绿五种基本颜色词的文化内涵进行分析、探讨,从中透视一点古老的民族文化,关照一点时代的变迁。
[关键词] 基本颜色词 本义 文化含义
[Abstract] Colorful colors decorate our world, we meet the visual requirement, thereby language have performed be riotous with colour words, i.e., words of color. While Chinese as one of the world's oldest languages, is a spectacular color words army. At the same time, the Chinese nation thousands of years of the culture and the Chinese color words have deep cultural details. Chinese color words recorded Chinese long history culture, has a unique cultural connotation, it emerges from until development today, already from the beginning only said a single color to contain rich cultural significance. Through the color words, we can understand its cultural significance, as well as its accumulate contained deep Chinese cultural psychology and emotional color. The language commonly used in the red, yellow, white, black, green and five kinds of color words, from the perspective of analysis, an old culture, look at a point with the changes of times.
[Key words] Basic color words Original meaning cultural meaning