[摘要] :张悦然是 “80后”代表作家之一,她的小说大多是以表现自我为主的极端化写作。本文从女性形象塑造以及死亡意象、冷僻意象设置两个方面,分析了 “酷虐文化”在张悦然小说中的表现。文章通过三种类型的划分即女性形象塑造、对死亡意象和“猫”、“水仙”等冷僻意象的分析,研究了张悦然小说中的“酷虐文化”。并且,揭示了张悦然小说中“酷虐文化”的意义与局限。受“酷虐文化”影响的张悦然小说真实地记录了青年人心理成长轨迹,投射出青春的不安与仿徨,但极端化写作也使张悦然小说存在许多局限。
[关键词] 张悦然; 小说; 酷虐文化; 女性形象
[Abstract] Zhang Yueran is a representative writer of "after 80". Her novels are mostly extreme writing to self express. This essay analyzes "cruel culture" by images of the female, death and Little-used image set, and the meaning and limitations in Zhang Yueran's novels. The article analyses little-used image such as death, cat, narcissus and researches the culture in the novels by three types of female images. Zhang yueran’s novel records young people’s psychological growth trajectory according to cruel culture, projects out of youth discomfort and straying but still exists much limit because of extreme writing.
[Key words] Zhang Yueran ; novels; cruel culture; female image