摘要:旅美华裔女作家严歌苓被誉为是二十世纪九十年代以来海外最具实力、也是最具影响力的新移民作家之一。随着小说在国内外频频获奖,严歌苓及其创作也越来越引起学界及读者的关注,而其中最引人注目的莫过于她的“新移民小说”。 本论文试图以女性文学的交错视角,通过严歌苓笔下女性形象分析,以《小姨多鹤》为例,揭示其背后隐藏着的精神内涵和女性观。
关键词:严歌苓; 新移民; 《小姨多鹤》; 女性形象; 女性观
Abstract:As an American citizen of Chinese origin, the authoress Yan Geling is praised as one of the most powerful "new emigration writers" since the 1990s.The sphere of learning and readers begin to focus on her creation when Ye Geling has achieved great success in the literary circle. This paper attempts to study in the way of women s literature, focuse on comprehending Geling Yan s women image analysis, reveal its essence of the concept and female perspective hidden behind,in order to Aunt Dou ho for example .
Key words: Yan Geling; new emigration; Aunt Dou ho; women image; female perspective