[摘要] 秦观,北宋词人。字少游、太虚,号淮海居士,高邮人。是“苏门四学士”之一。工感伤之词,因官场失意、怀才不遇等创作大量充满感伤愁绪的词,风格委婉含蓄。他词中所表现的真挚的感伤情绪使人非常感动,引起了后世许多文人的共鸣。
[关键词] 秦观; 感伤; 凄凉
[Abstract] Qinguan,a poet of the Song Dynasty, was born in Gaoyou.His another name is shaoyou,or taixu,and nickname is lay people of huaihai.He was one of “The Four Scholar In The Su School”.He was good at writing sentimental poetry which is filled with sentimental mood and also read elegant,because of the frustrated in officialdom.There was a great significance of social influence just because of the affection of sentimental mood that was sincerely in his poetry. Then Caused by later generations of scholars in many resonance.
[Key words] Qin Guan; Sentiment; Desolation