[内容摘要] 《聊斋志异》借“鬼怪”故事,把花妖狐魅人格化,把幽冥世界社会化,借“鬼怪”曲折地抒发心中的孤愤不平,揭露假丑恶,赞扬真善美。《聊斋志异》中一系列的狐女形象,集狐性,人性,神性为一体。本文试图在前人研究的基础上,以“狐女”为研究对象,对古代及当代某些特定的社会现象做出相应的研究分析。
[关键词] 蒲松龄; 狐女; 思想渊源; 人性与狐性; 现代价值
[Abstract] <Strange stories from a Chinese studio> borrow "ghost" story, the flowers before the personified charm, the ghost world socialization, borrow "ghost" twists and turns of the heart to express females.some uneven, exposing the false and ugly, praise kind and beautiful. One of a series of female fox image in <Strange stories from a Chinese studio>, they set fox sex, the human nature, the divine for an organic whole, this article tries to based on the former research, "fox female" as the research object, On the ancient and contemporary some certain social phenomenon makes the corresponding study.
[Key words]Pu Songlin; The female fox; setting source; human nature and fox; modern value