[摘要] 汪曾祺受到古今中西方文化的影响,在怀人散文的思想倾向、风格组织上都有许多深刻、独到的地方。写故人往事,呈现出散文小说化的特征,选取单纯、好玩的事情,平和的笔调以表现出一种优美、健康、自然的人生形式。在淡而有味、空灵淡远的文字背后隐服着汪曾祺关于民族品德重建的急切愿望。空间逻辑组织成为了怀人散文结构的内在生成机制。中国最后一位士大夫用怀人散文深厚的历史意蕴希望可以有益于世道人心。
[关键词] 汪曾祺 怀人散文 民族品德 风格
[Abstract] There are many profound and unique place in the mindset, style and organization of the people-yearning essay written by Zengqi Wang, because he has influenced by both ancient and modern, Easten and Western culture. when he describes people and memory, the essay shows the characteristics of fiction, he chooses some simple and funny things, expresses one kind of beautiful, healthy and natural life with a calm writting way. The urgent desire of national moral renewal is just behind of such light and interesting, Vacant Apprehensional words. and the Logical organization of space has become the inner structure of formation mechanism of people-yearning essay.The last Chinese scholar hopes to benefit the hearts of mankind with deep historical meaning of people-yearning essay.
[Key words] Wang Zengqi People-yearning Essay National character Style