关键词:商务秘书 企业管理能力 秘书素质 培养
Abstract:With the development of the modern society there is a growing vital relationship between the daily tasks of the business secretaries and the knowledge of the enterprise management. Secretaries in the enterprise should have a solid knowledge of the enterprise management. The knowledge will not only make the business secretarial work much more efficient but also pave the way to the secretary of working in other management fields in the future. With the knowledge of the enterprise management the multi-skilled secretary would have more chance. However in the current situation the majority of the business secretaries are lack of awareness of business management training. Therefore the aim of the study of the subject is to strengthen the awareness of enterprise management of the business secretarial staff. Thus make the secretarial work more scientific and standardized. Furthermore the train of the business management also promoting the quality of the business secretaries.Making this works more suitable to the needs of modernization.
Keywords:Secretary of Commerce Enterprise Management Capability Attainment Cultivation