[摘要] 20世纪后半期,基于生态危机的日益严重与人类生态意识逐渐觉醒的背景下,生态美学应运而生。陶渊明作为中国古典文化中的一株艺术奇葩,以其平常的心态融入大自然中,安“简”乐“道”,回归本真。本文试以生态美学的视角重新审视陶渊明,就 “性本爱丘山”——崇尚自然的内心境界、“复得返自然”——复归自然的生命体验、“无我之境”——追求“天人合一”的和谐意境三个部分挖掘并阐发其蕴含的独特的生态美学智慧。
[关键词] 陶渊明; 生态美学智慧; 自然; 天人合一
[Abstract] The second half of twentieth century, based on the increasingly serious ecological crisis with human ecology consciousness gradually awaken background, ecological aesthetics arises at the historic moment. Tao yuanming as one of the classical Chinese culture, with its most advanced technique.luminescnt art plant in normal mentality in nature, Ann "Jane" joy "tao", return to true. This paper tries to ecological aesthetic view of tao yuanming, rethink "sex this love QiuShan" -- advocate natural inner boundary, "complex must return to natural" - returned natural life experience, "I am not landscapes" - "nature and humanity" pursuit of artistic conception three parts mining and harmonious elucidating its contain unique ecological aesthetics wisdom.
[Key words] Tao Yuanming; Ecological Aesthetics Wisdom; Natural; Oneness