[Abstract] Britain’s Lord of the Flies contemporary writer Golding won the Nobel Prize for literature major works. This essay will analysis the description of characters, the “original sin” in Christian, the historical background and the use of symbolism, in order to certify the concept of Golding that the devil exists in human’s mind accompanied with the human being’s history. This also proves that the achievements of human civilization is in danger. Besides that, this paper demonstrates my comprehension towards this famous book and the experiences I have learnt from it.
[Key words] Lord of Flies;evil human nature;Original sin;Symbolism
威廉·戈尔丁(William Golding,1911-1993)是著名的英国当代小说家。1954年,他凭借《蝇王》享誉文坛,并于1983年获诺贝尔文学奖。英国的评论家赞誉戈尔丁是最富想象力、最有独到见解的作家;瑞典文学院声称,这是“因为他的小说用明晰的现实主义的叙述艺术和多样的具有普遍意义的神话,阐明了当今世界人类的状况”[1]。戈尔丁的小说大多采用道德寓言的形式,运用人物描绘、结构安排和象征手法,从而表现人性恶这一主题。这也许会让人觉得戈尔丁对于人性和人类社会抱持消极悲观的态度,但作家本人却坚持他对人类依然存有信心,是一个“对人类充满微笑”[2]的人。《蝇王》以深刻的洞察力透视人性,展示了生命的意义,比较全面地体现了作者的人性观,可以被看作是一把开启他所有小说蕴含的钥匙。