关键词:悲悯情怀;底层 ;温情;升华
ABSTRACT:Chi Zijian, a famous writer, is one of those widely influential writers in China. She has achieved many rewards in literary. In recent years, her works have been studied by scholars from different aspects. All Night in the World, one of her well-known novellas, has received the fourth session of Lu Xun Literature Prize and the twelfth Baihua Prize. A crowd of experts have discussed about aspects in this work but compassion. Accordingly, this essay, based on close reading of this novella, will reveal compassion in this work from three angles: caring about the underlying, looking for sweetness from suffering and the sublimation of impersonal experiences and explore author’s compassion in the depth of soul.
Keywords: humane understanding ;the underlying ;sentimental;sublimation
迟子建的中篇小说《世界上所有的夜晚》是作者悼念亡夫之作,倾注了作者的个人情感,小说于2007年荣获第四届鲁迅文学奖,鲁迅文学奖评委会给了这样的授词---“《世界上所有的夜晚》踏出了一行新的脚印:在盈满泪水但又不失冷静,处处悬疑却又率真自然的文字间,超越了表象的痛苦,进入大悲悯的境界。”[ 唐兴华:《迟子建和她的小说<世界上所有的夜晚>》,《名作欣赏》,2008年第2期。]正是作家怀着悲悯的情怀来表达对底层民众最深切的同情和关注,尤其是对苦难生活中生命个体的描写、对悲痛命运承受者的叙述以及对悲痛命运原由的探寻中,展示了作者悲天悯人的情怀。