摘要]本文具体分析了穆时英创作在人物塑造语言及风格化的两极化倾向,前期运用粗犷的语言塑造了一个个充满“水浒气”的原生态人物形象,个个胆大妄为、争强好胜,性格举止狂放不羁,语言粗鲁鄙俗,充满了江湖义气 。后期创作一改之前之文风,由泼辣转为婉转细腻,也多倾向于人的心理描写,写大都市下,人们灵魂的丢失,男女主公都孤独、徘徊、无助。最后并结合当前文艺界对这种两极化成因的各种说法和各种文献资料的参考,总结出他前后期两极化倾向并不是矛盾的,前期只是内心对外界的一种歇斯底里的宣泄,而后期才是穆时英本人内心矛盾、孤独的外化。
[关键词]穆时英; 狂放不羁; 婉转细腻; 孤独; 两极化倾向; 宣泄; 外化
[Abstract]The specific analysis of Mu Shiying creation of a full original "Outlaws of the Marsh" ecological character shape characterization polarization of the tendency of the language and style of the early use of rough language, all daring, feisty character behaviorunrestrained, rude and vulgar language, full of fraternal loyalty. Later works prior to a change of style, from pungent to mildly delicate, but also more inclined to psychological description of the people write metropolitan, the human soul is lost, the lord men and women are lonely, wandering, helpless. Finally, combined with the current literary and art circles refer to this polarization into because of all these comments and all kinds of literature, summed up the pre-and post-bipolar tendency is not contradictory, early just inside on the outside of a hysterical catharsis, while late is Mu Shiying inner contradictions, the loneliness of the outside.
[Key words]Mu Shiying; wild uninhibited; mildly delicate ; lonely; the polarization tendency; Catharsis; Externalization