[摘要] 高加林是路遥《人生》中的主要人物形象。小说主要描写了高加林走在人生的十字路口,面临事业和爱情的种种选择,而在这过程中主人公所表现出来的矛盾彷徨折射出了在当时的社会背景下,作为城乡交叉地带的农村青年不得不承受的命运悲剧。
[关键词] 高加林 人物形象 彷徨 悲剧 命运
[Abstract] GaoJiaLin is the main characters Lu yao's "life". Novel mainly described the GaoJiaLin go in life's crossroads, faced with the choice of career and love, and in the process the hero expressed by contradiction stray reflected at the time of the social background, the urban and rural cross areas as the young rural had to bear the destiny tragedy.
[Key words] GaoJiaLin; characters; tragedy